
Friday, January 31, 2014

What does a teacher do all day?

January 21, 2014
       I observed Mrs. Gibson's 3rd grade class at Manila  Elementary in Pleasant Grove. During the time I spent in the classroom students were preparing for a math test. The teacher prepared a game for the students to help make the test prep more exciting.  The teacher divided the students into five groups  and gave each student a white board and marker followed by verbal instructions on how to play the game.
      Mrs. Gibson puts a substantial amount of prep work outside of school into her lesson plans. She carefully structures assignments to accommodate the audio, visual, and kinesthetic learners as best she can. The day I observed she used verbal instructions to facilitate audio learners. She used the white boards to accomodate kinesthetic learners. Additionally she used the overhead projection to assist visual learners. All three components assisted students with learning and staying engaged in the lesson. She preps lessons, teaches students, resolves disputes/concerns from  students, and grades papers just to name a few of her regular tasks.
    She said some days she is mentally so exhausted from her efforts outside the classroom to make the lessons fun and exciting while still being educational. I can tell she puts in great amounts of hard work because her lessons flow seamlessly and you can tell through student interactions that she runs an organized classroom with consistency; her students respect her and have fun simultaneously. From what I observed they seem to have been well prepared for  their math test. I am excited to see more from Mrs. Gibson.